Saturday, September 09, 2006

Solitaire or Coven

Working in a coven is definitely good. In fact Gardner thinks that the solitary practitioner is not wiccan at all. On the positive side of it you have a family to fall back upon (never thought family meant blood ties), immense experience to bank on; rituals are easier to follow because you have a HP to guide you and in all you are groomed. Perspective is gained as you share your learnings and experience. Solitary practice lacks all these virtues. But then what do you do when you live in a country where Wiccans are misunderstood, persecuted or simply very few in number. One can obviously not let all this come in the way of one's learning. It is also a matter of who functions best when left alone and who functions best in a group.Besides being part of a coven means alloting time, making a commitment. Any one unwilling or unable to do that should practice solitary. Personally, i feel i'm a far better student than teacher. I would have prefered to be part of a coven in my learning days and then wanted to explore, be be set free as a solitaire. That was not to be, very few wiccans in India, none other than me that i know of in kolkata. i work solitary, not by choice but by necessity. Well there, may be the Goddess ordained that I be my own guide, I need to teach and learn and who better to teach (read boss) than myself? All said, Solitaire or Coven is a matter of individual comfort, capability and choice.

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