Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Our secret world

Will you come with me-
To a secret place no one dares;
Through the misty haze
Beyond daylight's glaze?

The stars shine down
Let's hide from them,
I'll whisper into your ears
Small secrets of mine
From beyond the sands of time.

Sunset is always fun
By dawn, our story's done
Before the rest all awake
Lets sing a song and melody make.

Daybreak will come
We have to part
Other worlds beckon-
And a broken heart.

Let me hug this secret awhile
Cant explain why i smile
Come night again, we are wet
By dewdrops and mist on my grassy bed;
Take shelter in that nest of your
Is that my tear,
Or a moonbeam pure?
Love me like I've never been
Wrapped around me like a sheen
I go to bed, I go to dream,
Unending then, this night will seem.


Anonymous said...

Very lucid expression with loads of emotions spread across

Anonymous said...

Beautiful!Especially the last stanza is so very just captivated!!